Fired. Not Hired.

Originally written in OCT 29, 2018. Updated 10/4/2023
Sometimes I think I may be the most qualified person to own an employment agency on the planet. If a good education and knowledge comes from the school of hard knocks, I should know a thing or two about work and working.
To wit:
I’ve been fired multiple times (including from my own company).
I’ve drawn unemployment in two states. The last time was in 2022.
I sued a company once (worker’s comp).
I’ve screwed up so many job interviews I can’t even count. Ask me about running down 17 flights of stairs….
I’ve quit jobs before I even started them. And quit without notice.
I’ve slept during work.
I’ve taken drastic cuts in pay (over 75%) to pursue opportunities that I was more passionate about. I’ve also taken pay cuts because there wasn’t enough money to pay me.
I had a boss once scream at me and throw stuff around his office in a temper tantrum.
I’ve literally pounded the pavement looking for work. For months. Didn’t get a job.
I’ve quit jobs without having new jobs lined up.
I’ve had to lay people off. More than once.
I’ve fired a lot of people. For everything from attitude to insubordination to just not being very good at their jobs.
I’ve packed up and moved to a new state with no job. Twice.
I’ve been told to “look for a new job,” so as to not be fired.
I’ve been a human resources director. I’ve built what I termed, “employee positive cultures” and implemented policy and process at 5 companies using my philosopy.
My last company was named to Inc. 5000 as One of the Fastest Growing Companies in the U.S., 5 times.
I’ve had non-competes enforced against me. And I’ve had to enforce them. I’m under one as I write this.
I’ve broken equipment. It was an accident.
I’ve been paid under the table.
I’ve been a bouncer, a convenience store clerk, a busboy, and a CEO.
My first 10 years out of college I had 13 jobs.
So what’s this all mean? Besides that I needed to do a lot of growing up over the years?
One of the core tenets of the companies I lead is empathy for the person looking for work. And empathy for the employers. Twenty + years of executive management in business will provide that, too.
There are people out there trying to design a better way. We just need people to listen to us.
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