Creative Industry Rides
Volume 1, Catalog Series #16
Wes Sieker’s 1968 Plymouth Barracuda Fastback
Family-owned vehicles have been a rarity in this series, but we have one here, a 1968 Plymouth Barricuda Fastback. Wes Sieker, Founder and CEO of 8th Brick Group, inherited the car, originally purchased by his parents new off the lot.
Purchased for $3,300, the price included the up-charge addition of seatbelts. Over the years it has morphed from a family do-everything car to the showpiece it is now. Along the way, the original 318 engine has been upgraded to the legendary 340 small block.
The ‘Cuda has been a constant driver, with over 330,000 miles and countless trips to Mt. Hood, Bend, OR, the Oregon Coast, California, and even a roadtrip to Kansas.
One-family owned cars are special and filled with memories keeping all who touched it alive in the drive.

Absolutely love this body style and have had three 67 Fastback Barracudas myself back in my 20s. Those Cragars look perfect and it sits perfect.