From Creative to Client and Back Again

What would happen if you decided to stop working in advertising or design and attempted to start a business of your own? How would it feel to sit on the other side of the table and ask for help selling your product? Would you know how to talk about what you need when everything is on the line and the wrong decisions could mean the loss of your life savings?

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A Developer Tweets to Build Community and Understanding


I’m halfway through my developer bootcamp, filling my brain with JavaScript and preparing to transition my skills out of the classroom and into a job. Along the way, I’ve been collecting resources: documentation libraries for Orchestrate and jQuery, tutorials like Mozilla Developer’s Network and Treehouse, and oodles of bookmarked pages for projects and tips. There are an enormous number of resources out there, and they cover every aspect of development that I could want.


What’s Your One Thing?


Forget trying to stand out. Try staying in someone’s memory. Being successful as a creative isn’t just a battle to help your clients get noticed in a crowded marketplace, it’s a battle to be remembered at all. What we’re ultimately clamoring for as creatives is the spark that sends you, or your client, to the top of the customer’s mind.