Forget Luck. Be Accountable for Your Own Success
I really hate photographs of myself. I am simply better looking than what the camera records. The problem is the lighting, the angle, the focus, the exposure – anything but me.
I really hate photographs of myself. I am simply better looking than what the camera records. The problem is the lighting, the angle, the focus, the exposure – anything but me.
If you’re out on assignment with M+P, it’s important to us that you, your job, and your workplace are all a good fit. We hope that while you’re working to live, you’re also loving your work. Still, no matter how much you love your job, you need an occasional break to tackle life’s other responsibilities.
Computer? Check. Cell phone? Check. Throw them in a messenger bag, and you’re ready to rock this freelance gig. Well, sort of. If you want to avoid some serious costly mistakes (like not having a written agreement with clients), make more money (by tracking and billing) and avoid disasters like losing a hard drive (remote backup), toss these three indispensable tools in your bag o’ tricks.
Before I even knew how to write a headline, I knew about “the 3% statistic.” This ominous figure, akin to “boys rule girls drool,” states that regardless of the plethora of talented women in portfolio schools and junior positions, only 3% of executive creative positions are filled by women.
Good news, creatives. Despite the recession being fresh on the minds of the American public, recent research suggests that the job market is looking up for right-brainers. A 2014 global survey of CEOs, creative directors, and managing directors found that problem solving, creativity, and strategic thinking are the three most desirable skillsets for potential hires.
Interactive design is a booming and rapidly maturing field. Across apps and the web, designers are working to reach the more than one billion new smartphones sold each year, and to scale these experiences for the bevy of devices already in the wild.
“Tall, non-fat, two pump, no whip, mocha.” The person to whom I gave this order smiled knowingly. “Sure,” she said, writing details on the side of a white cup. “It’s Bart, right?” My nod was accompanied by a big smile.
Whether you’re launching a new career, or expanding your skill set, there are a wealth of organizations that can teach you to code. We asked Portland Code School Director Cris Kelly how prospective students should decide between the available options.
Interviews are stressful. You have to do your research, dress the part, and be prepared to eloquently defend your professional worth.
Everyone should learn how to code. You’ve heard it from industry luminaries, and from Chris Bosh. Economically, it’s sound advice. Careers in development are abound and colleges are struggling to churn out enough candidates to meet demand.
Sneakerheads are a rare breed–ravenous fans who evaluate footwear the way foodies do fine dining. Every year, sneaker companies pour countless hours into pushing and refining their designs, all searching for new ways to appeal to these tastemakers. They’re a subculture that’s about as old as basketball itself. We asked some sneaker connoisseurs to describe their favorite pair of all time, and what they like about them so much.
In search of a new way to illustrate the breadth and diversity of Oregon’s athletic and outdoor industry, an employer to more than 15,000 people, the Portland Development Commission came to Oregon Story Board, an organization dedicated to collaborative digital storytelling.
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, many creative professionals tout their ability to wear multiple hats. This multi-faceted approach emphasizes their versatility and broadens both the variety of roles they’ll be considered for, and the utility they can offer a potential employer.
In the final clip from RUNT presents CORIZONTAL, Lewman describes reaching his breaking point, high-tailing it to Costa Rica, and rebuilding his career with greater consideration for what really matters to him. Also, sand vagina.
Sometimes you just need to get out of the office. Maybe your deskmate has a persistent wheeze, or it’s fish fry day in the cafeteria and you have a violent allergy.
I asked the staff at M+P to share some of their favorite remote office getaways in both Austin and Portland. Then I scouted them out using Workfrom, a community that catalogs and evaluates the best spots for independent professionals to work off-site.